Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 20: Your favorite picture of your guy k-pop bias

I may as well do ot, because it's not as hard as finding my favourite picture of Miss A Min. :P So here you go:

My favourite: Jaejoong

Call me whatever you want, but I also post a picture of him what is my favourite and where he is in full-length. Because you know... he is Jaejoong and I just can't stop with one picture. x) I'm too obsessed with him. And I will be forever.

Can you see one thing that is really weird, but awesome, at the same time? :D On the right side of the picture, there is somekind of building. And although it's not clearly seen what it is, there are colorst blue-black-white, what is nothing else than Estonian Flag. xD Is this Estonian flag? Well, I have no idea. :D But I might as well think that is connected to Estonia. I can imagine that I'm just fated to think of Jaejoong as my ultimate bias. x)

Anyway, I really love the first picture. The emotion is cute and for a long time it was my wallpaper in my phone as well. Look at his teeth! So cute. ^o^ Haha. It was actually the very first picture that was on my phone. :P

The other one - I first saw it as a macro. And I couldn't really find the clear version so I asked Linda, who is really good at being netizen. xD Or... she is just a Gumiho. I owe her a lot! :D But once again she was amazing and after only 5 minutes she had found the picture, so yays for Linda! ♥

Well, I hope you enjoyed watching these Jaejoong's pictures as I did. :) And if you are reading this, thanks a lot too~. ♥ I want to write something else here too... About... life in general. I mean, my life in general. :D So... would you read it, or should I just continue with being obsessed fangirl? (Being obsessed fangirl... I just read an awesome fanfic where Karam was epic Yunho's fanboy...)

Okay, annyeong for now. ^^