Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day 24: A picture of a k-pop idol who you think is overrated

At first, let me say this again: I'm really really sorry that I'm going to criticize someone now, but it is only my opinion and I'm willing to change my ideas every time I discover or learn something new. So please don't be mad at me and just think of it as entertrainment! Because I honestly don't think that any idol is bad or displeasing!

SNSD - Yuri

I'm so sorry! I know that SNSD has lots of fans and I think that they are quite good. Because thesedays almost all idols are well rounded entertrainers. But I have a proof for my thought, although I believe that there are still someone who doesn't accept this. But it's only my opinion, okay?

Well, I watched some time ago Oh! My School or 100 Points out of 100 and there was a part where Minho and Yuri had to sing in a musical. And there was someone who taught acting too. And after the two of them finished performance, the woman said that it was perfect and that Yuri is able to go and perform with it straight away. Mmm... I'm a person who has studied acting a little. And I must say that she wasn't oh so perfect at all. (And it totally doesn't mean that I could do better than her, that just means that I'm able to notice more things connected with acting.) Well, she was really good at singing, but she is singer, right? But in acting, compared to Minho, she wasn't so good. And I think that instead of praising her, they should have said at least something that would help her to get better. And some other moments as well... according to MCs and stuff, she is always really AMAZING and she doesn't have to do anything to improve. I think that it's wrong. She could be really awesome if she were given the right feedback... I think that's why she is overrated. And it seems to me that SNSD members themself always think that Yuri is better that them. Well, with some exeptions.

Soo... that's my opinion. There is also one other artist that I think is overrated, but since that person's fans are a lot more scary (at least in my opinion ) I can't say anything. xD Please forgive me! ^^

And I think that Yuri can get better whenever she will work and stuff, so probably I may even someday say that I wrote complete rubbish and that I love her a lot. But at the moment that's what I think. :)

Please understand me~.


  1. Ma arvan, et ma saaks küll aru, kui sa kritiseeriks kedagi, kes mulle meeldib...
    Pealegi, see on ju sinu arvamus, ega nad sind tapma tule...

  2. Well, I hope that. XD But still, I may regret it later, if I write about someone else. And actually, I think that Yuri is kind of lovely sometimes. ^^
