Friday, May 20, 2011

Day 26: Your favorite cover of a k-pop song by another k-pop artist

Hello! Well well well! I've been so lazy. And now I thought that I should post. x)

Mm... so here it is:


Why is it this? Actually, I've been really busy recently and I haven't thought a lot about this. But when I read the challenge question, I was like: OKAY! Didn't BEAST do cover for 2PM? And I went and searched it and here it is! Though there are many adorable Candy covers everywhere... but still. Since Beast only recently released their Fiction and Fact, I had to pick them!

Mm... what I like about that cover, is that I can see similiarities between this and 2PM's Again & Again, but I can still feel Beast on it! They have their special voices and moves and all this makes it enjoyable for me! I think that they did amazing work with that one! :)

Uuuh, I'm going to finish that challenge soon~. I can't wait. x) Well, it's not like a lot people read this, but still! It's fun to post in here sometimes! And I just discovered that I have now 5 followers instead of 4. xD Hehe, so little, but still, I have quite many views! ^^

Don't hesitate to comment or write on to chat-box! :)

Oh, and I'm finally 18 now! So that means... I have to be careful with Taemin? :P

Fiction in fiction in fiction!

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