Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 8: A k-pop song you know all the words to

Since I want to start another challenge already, I must finish this faster. So here is another day, day number 8!

Well, actually there are some songs that I know all the words to, but I picked one sond sang by k-pop group, but it's in Japanese. Only because I love the Japanese version more.


Who would have thought, eh? It's also one song that makes me cry. xD Especially when I watch live. But it's at the same time the song that I'm best at singing and I learned te lyrics specially. Because I liked them. Also the melody of the song. Oh... now to think about it... if I had to pick a song in Korean, then I'd pick XING - Hi Five. But anyways, I will still stick with Love In The Ice. Because to me, it's almost like k-pop.

So, the lyrics for Korean version were written by Changmin. I think that it's amazing. But now I add up there my most favourite live version of Japanese Love In The Ice, if I'm able to find it from youtube... I must say - this really is breathtaking. And oh I miss so much their lives. Recently, there are so much DBSK in my challenge. But what can I do.

Also, I think that I should add a new question - there are so many challenges and I want to do them all so I'd better let others to pick. x) Or just randomly chose... But there are D-NA challenge that was really interesting... so I don't know if I'll do this or DBSK's next...

These posts have become so short recently, too. But it's good - not much to read.

Love in the Ice - one of the most beautiful songs.

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